We left , on the advice of our Calgary weather router, early from Silva Bay to catch the morning blow before it was due to die in the afternoon. It was good to catch a shower and get some laundry done.
We had a good run with combinations of staysail, reefed main and all sails in winds that started at 20 kts. The new dodger and some of the crew, got baptized by salt spray today. The winds then died out quickly at about 13;00. We then motored for 2 hrs to Jedidiah Marine park.
Enroute skipper had to go up the mast to repair a lazy jack line, but it wasn't an quick fix, so he came down and finished it at anchor. We anchored at "white rock bay", just south of Deep cove, a very pretty spot.
Menu for today was grilled cheese sandwiches enroute, and a fusion dinner of Italy meets India; tortillini augmented with chicken, onions, mushroom curry and chocolate pudding for desert.
Day 6:
Still at Jedidiah: decided to take an off day and explore the island and have some quiet time. Ralph stayed behind on anchor watch and we three went ashore. It was low tide in the coves and we had to carry the dinghy about 300 meters to get it to a safe spot to leave it for our walk-about. The homestead here [ island was donated by last owners as marine park] shows how much work was involved in the good old days. After walking through dense forest you break out into a 15 acre hay field and orchard that had been hand cleared. The old house has a great view, but if you were trying to bring home the groceries at low tide, it would a long, muddy walk!
A breakfast of pancakes and ham was followed by breakfast burritos for lunch [ courtesy of Neil]. Skipper confirmed the damper bread receipe with home base and made up a fresh loaf of bread to have with the second bag of tortillini which was now turned into a soup using chicken broth, left over ham from lunch and some corn.
We plan on early getaway to take advantage of the morning winds enroute to Desolation Sound.
PS: update: weather window in Juan De Fuca seems to be opening so we are now planning for a n early departure to catch the morning winds and make a LONG run down Georgia Straight to Boundary Passage tomorrow...stay tuned to see if weather gods cooperate.