Monday, April 14, 2008

Day 2: Update

April 12 - Day 2

We arrived at E Dock on April 10 in the afternoon after overnighting in Hope enroute from Calgary. Appears we were fortunate to not have delayed leaving Calgary, otherwise we would have been delayed by the record April snowfall.

After off-loading the car and getting Tatoosh habitable, we went through the master work list (MWL) to extract a 'reasonable ' list of chores for Day 1. I'm sure you are all anticipating what happened next and you are correct: best laid plans and all that.

There were 15 items on the list for Day 1, mostly minor and one major item to " install new bolt track"; this is the extruded alumunium track that the new dodger will be secured to the boat with. At the end of Day 1, we had crossed off 2 1/3 items ( one of them was a multi-task!) and while reviewing the list we added 10 more items: net gain for the day was negative 7.66!! I had estimated before coming that putting on the new track would have taken 1/2 day, but it is going to be the better part of 2 days. Removing the old track and installing the new track translatted to:

  • rent drill since my cordless didn't have torque to drill out old pop rivets
  • buy a pop-riviter
  • return to hardware and replace 2 broken drill bits
  • use dremal tool to remove stubs,etc
  • buy hammer to use with cold chisel [ where did original hammer go??]
  • fill old holes in gel coat
  • buy more drill bits
  • replace rivets that were purchased yesterday.... not correct size
  • rent shop vac to clean up mess from drilling,etc

As we sit here at end of day 2, new track is now in place and the enlarged day 1 list is now "down" to 14 items; longer than original Day 1 list but less than 23.66 that were there at start of the day! We are now ready for Hank to show up next week and install the new dodger which will be a big improvement.

One would think that an engineer who has spent a lot of his career managing projects or managing project managers, would have a better clue!

While I was farting around with this, making 3 trips to town/hardware/rental place, Robin was beavering away at cleaning up the joint; making better progress than I was.

On the plus side, the weather today was fantastic, it was sunny and forecast to be 19. We took a short break to take back the drill/get shop vacuum and incidently get a latte; drank it on a bench at the Sidney waterfront and watched the local sail club racing for a bit. There wasnt much wind and we could see one boat having rounded a mark near Sidney Spit park was flying his spinnaker, but was moving backwards against the island , being pushed by the ebb current!

Tomorrow we will try to finish off yesterday's list and I will start the potentially ugly job of replacing the Y-valve in the head. I had thought of leaving this nasty task for Stewart when he comes out but decided that would not be very fair.

Stay tuned for further updates!

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