Friday, March 28, 2008

New Trip - background & Crew

I decided to start another blog to share the upcoming trip in Tatoosh. The "VIA" trip around Vancouver Island in 2006 was to have included some offshore days to act as a dry run for last years trip to Hawaii. Circumstances didn't allow the offhshore componant on that trip and my "3 month" contract in Saudi Arabia was extended such that virtually no sailing happened last year, never mind a trip to Hawaii! Robin and I got out for 2 weeks in November before putting Tatoosh to bed for the winter and that was the extent of sailing for 2007. By the way, the planned re-naming of Tatoosh is being postponed until we have her up on the hard to repaint the red strip. [ I am too cheap to put on letters now and then have to replace them when we repaint in the fall] The current plan is to organize a short ( 5 days or so) offshore run to act as a dry run [ more on this later] for the trip to Hawaii next year. Life is moving on, I'm not getting younger and if this is really going to happen, I need to keep the ball rolling. Rather than just sail west into the Pacific and return, we will do a large arc from Juan de Fuca and go to the QCI. Hopefully we can get visiting permission and tour the Hadi Gwai area before returning down the west coast of Vancouver Island. Timing is not firmed up but it will be mid-July after we return from my niece's wedding in Nova Scotia at the end of June.


There will be four of us; my youngest son Neil, my friend Ralph (the navigation instructor among other talents) and Robin's brother Terry from Saltspring.

Ralph was crew for the complete VIA trip in 2006; Neil has limited sailing experience but is signed-up for the Hawaii trip so he will be getting his 'sea legs' on this trip - hopefully he will stay signed-up after this trip is over! Terry has sailed with us a few times in the past and this will be his first off-shore venture.

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